Bibendum at varius vel pharetra vel turpis nunc eget. Maecenas sed enim Ut viverra aliquet.elementum integer enim.

Sed egestas, massa a molestie facilisis. Nulla tincidunt convallis bibendum.
Sed egestas, massa a molestie facilisis.
Sed egestas, massa a molestie facilisis. Nulla tincidunt convallis bibendum.
Sed egestas, massa a molestie facilisis.
Clothing & Accessories

Handicraft Items
From wooden centerpieces that can enchant your guests to coconut shell bowls that are perfect to serve soups, ice cream, desserts, we have it all.
Made to impress, these handicrafts possess both form and function at an equilibrium that few can boast of.
Our products range from Coconut shell bowls, Coconut and Bamboo cups and mugs, Bamboo Biriyani steamers, Jug, Mug and baskets, Wooden Showpieces Utensils and Kitchenware…etc
Natural Products
Sahyadale is dedicated to selling natural products that actually works!
We source the goods in their purest possible form and are continually expanding our range of products to provide our customers with healthier choices. We sell the best quality and most reliable natural goods at reasonable prices with various health benefits, much of which you can not find in the stores, includes Organic Raw Honey, Lemon Grass Oil , spices, flour…etc

New Arrivals
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Et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas integer. Massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien. Nunc lobortis mattis aliquam tempor.